We make nothing from this, we do it all for free out of our own time because of our love for this game. If you like what we are doing and the Disaster Report games, Then please purchase them and support the people who made the game. We love and support what Granzella has done to resurrect the series from Irem, We would love to see the future of the series include the west for releases. All rights to belong to their respected owners. Zettai Zetsumei Toshi 3 Translation Project AKA Disaster Report 3 This is a full translation project for the game Zettai Zetsumei Toshi 3 for the PSP developed by Irem and now owned by Granzella. You can get it here: I hope you all have fun with this release~ -Kaguya. The game was made legally free by Alicesoft and is now completely translated.

Several elements from Toushin Toshi II’s Alice’s Mansion have remained untranslated, such as the roughly 4000 line story called Dangerous Festival, which is not related to the actual game in any way. Toushin Toshi II was translated by Arunaru and the translation was released the 17th of october 2013.

It is considered one of the classics of the Eroge RPG genre and despite showing its age, still holds pretty high scores on review sites. Toushin Toshi II is a dungeon crawling RPG by Alicesoft. I’m here to say that the fan translation of Toushin Toshi 2 is now complete! So, you may be wondering what is Toushin Toshi. 2009 This game finally got an english patch a while ago that translates most of the important.